Shells of South
East Queensland

Tweed Heads to Noosa

Monetaria annulus

(Linnaeus, 1758)
Shell: small to moderately small, solid, ovate to sub-pyriform, ranging from 15-30 mm. Spire concealed. Teeth: 9 to 12 columellar teeth; 9 to 15 labral teeth. Sculpture: smooth, porcelaneous. Exterior colour cream; dorsum cream, pale blue or tan with yellow orange ring; base and margins cream; mantle line indistinct.


Myora light,  Australia
Size: mm    Collected: 1989
under coral slab in 50cm of water on snad, mud and coral rubble bottom 0.4m tide

forma: olgae  
This form from Stradbroke island has orange brown blotches at the extremities and dorsum due to tannins in the water.
Stradbroke Island,  Australia
Size: 20.04mm    Collected: Unknown
On sea grass in intertidal sand pool.

Amity Point, Queensland,  Australia
Size: 22.24mm    Collected: Unknown
Collected from weedy sand pools on intertidal sand flats with shallow pools by hand [low tide]. Collected by Callum Woodward 15/5/1999

Lady Musgrave Island, Queensland,  Australia
Size: 15.76mm    Collected: Unknown
Collected from under rocks on intertidal coral reef by hand [low tide]. Collected by Robert Ellis 23/8/2003

Lamont Reef,  Australia
Size: mm    Collected: 2019
Under rocks on weather edge of reef at low tide. Common in the area.

Perfect Lagoon 21-186,  Australia
Size: mm    Collected: Unknown
on reef in 2m of water

Twin Cays Reef 21-166,  Australia
Size: 19mm    Collected: 2011
Live collected under intertidal rocks.

Dingo Beach,  Australia
Size: 30mm    Collected: Unknown
Live collected under intertidal rocks.

forma: camellorum  Rochebrune, 1884
This form albinistic.
Bushy Island,  Australia
Size: 22.95mm    Collected: Unknown
Collected form small hollows on shallow reef at extreme low tide.

Twin Cays Reef 21-166, Queensland,  Australia
Size: 20.33mm    Collected: Unknown
Collected from under coral slabs on intertidal reef by hand [low tide]. Collected by Robert Ellis 27/9/2000

Minnie Waters, Nth Headland,  Australia
Size: mm    Collected: 1989
found at low tide on rocky reef grey mantle

Norfolk Island,  Australia
Size: 24.81mm    Collected: Unknown
No data

Cocos & Keeling Islands,  Australia
Size: 22.18mm    Collected: Unknown
No data

Port Hedland,  Australia
Size: 26.63mm    Collected: 1965
No data

Grand Central Station,  Solomon Islands
Size: mm    Collected: 1998
found dead in sand on coral reef there were numerous other live specimens see dive log #28

Port Moresby,  Papua New Guinea
Size: mm    Collected: 1984
under coral rocks on coral reef

Rabaul- Old,  Papua New Guinea
Size: 15mm    Collected: 1965
On rubble under dead coral. Dwarf form.

Manus Island,  Papua New Guinea
Size: 22.3mm    Collected: Unknown
No data

Noumea,  New Caledonia
Size: 21.63mm    Collected: Unknown
Collected from rubble on shoreline at low tide.

forma: noumeensis  (Marie, 1869)
The most easternmost race ranging from Ogasawara Islands and Botany Bay to East Polynesia
Viti Levu,  Fiji
Size: 29.55mm    Collected: 1973
Collected from exposed sand and reef at low tide.

Man Friday Resort,  Fiji
Size: mm    Collected: 1997
found dead in sand and sea grass, also saw a number of live specimens in the same area, water had some silt in it. 1 meter of water and less.

Nadi,  Fiji
Size: 16.05mm    Collected: Unknown
Collected from under dead coral at low tide.

Tahiti,  French Polynesia
Size: 21.83mm    Collected: Unknown
Collected from algae covered smashed coral rubble on reef top at low tide.

Tonga,  Tonga
Size: 21.54mm    Collected: Unknown
No data

forma: noumeensis  (Marie, 1869)
This form has a broad, conspicuous ring
Pango,  Vanuatu
Size: 15.52mm    Collected: Unknown
No data

Perhentian Island,  Malaysia
Size: 23.92mm    Collected: Unknown
NO data

Subspecies: Monetaria annulus alboguttata  Bozzetti, 2015

Alas Purwo,  Indonesia
Size: 25.7mm    Collected: Unknown
Collected on intertidal reef by hand [low tide] at low tide.

Pangani,  Indonesia
Size: 26.38mm    Collected: Unknown
No data

,  Indonesia
Size: 15.13mm    Collected: Unknown
Collected from under rocks on intertidal reef by hand [low tide].

Sanur Beach,  Indonesia
Size: 17.74mm    Collected: 1984
Collected form sand and rubble.

forma: scutellum  Schilder & Schilder, 1937
the eastern part of the Indian Ocean and Red Sea are occupied by C. a. scutellum Schilder & Schilder, 1937
Eilat,  Israel
Size: 21.81mm    Collected: Unknown
Collected from rubble on exposed reef at low tide

forma: dilatissima  
This form from Oman. Often rhomboid;margins strongly calloused and separated from the dorsum by a depression
Masirah Island,  Oman
Size: 26.84mm    Collected: Unknown
Collected from under dead coral slabs and rubble on exposed reef at low tide.

forma: appendiculata  
This variation has protuberances at the anterior end.
Pemba Island,  Tanzania
Size: 25.39mm    Collected: 2002
Collected from sand and rubble on exposed reef in shallow lagoon by local collectors

Bazaruto,  Mozambique
Size: 24.87mm    Collected: Unknown
No data

Nungwi,  Tanzania
Size: 22.52mm    Collected: Unknown
Collected from amongst weed and sand patches on exposed reef

Nosy Mangily,  Madagascar
Size: 27mm    Collected: 2010
No data

Seychelles,  Seychelles
Size: 24.85mm    Collected: Unknown
No data

forma: camellorum  Rochebrune, 188

Mauritius,  Mauritius
Size: 23.36mm    Collected: Unknown
No data

Natal SA,  South Africa
Size: 22.13mm    Collected: Unknown
No data