Turbo petholatus
Linnaeus, 1758
Shell moderately large, thick and heavy, turbinate in shape with length equal to or slightly greater than width. Spire well developed, pointed, whorls strongly convex with a rounded outline becoming somewhat flattened beneath the impressed sutures. Outer surface of shell smooth and highly polished.
Aperture rounded-ovate, extending on about half the total length of shell.
Outer lip thin, smooth inside. Columella smooth, without an umbilicus.
Operculum nearly circular in outline, with a subcentral nucleus and a convex, smooth external surface.
Colour: outside of shell variable in colour and pattern, usually brown, red, orange, or greenish, often ornamented with dark spiral bands and/or thin, chevron-shaped, pale-coloured axial stripes. Aperture silvery white inside, often suffused with yellow, orange or green on margins, especially on inner-lip margin.
Exterior of operculum shiny, bluish green in the centre, becoming brown towards the margins.