Shells of South
East Queensland

Tweed Heads to Noosa

Conus flavidus

Lamarck, 1810


Flat Rock,  Australia
Size: 40mm    Collected: 1998
found in 5m of water on rocky reef in sand

Hutchinsons Shoal,  Australia
Size: 45mm    Collected: 1999
found in 10m of water in sand on coral reef

Sykes Reef,  Australia
Size: 46mm    Collected: 2019
In sand under rocks on weather edge of the reef. Collected at low tide.

Lamont Reef,  Australia
Size: 50mm    Collected: 2019
In sand under large rocks on weather edge of the reef at low tide..

Matimboko island,  Solomon Islands
Size: 0mm    Collected: 1999
found in sand in 2m of water on there were coral rocks scattered thinly about

Mbabanga Island,  Solomon Islands
Size: 0mm    Collected: Unknown
found dead in sand under a coral rock in 1m of water. area was slightly silty

Phuket,  Thailand
Size: 50mm    Collected: 1983
No data.

Man Friday Resort,  Fiji
Size: 0mm    Collected: 1997
found dead in sand on coral reef saw many other live C. flavidus buried in sand in the same area 2m of water

Rabaul, East New Britain,  Papua New Guinea
Size: 52.63mm    Collected: Unknown
Collected by hand [low tide].

Eilat,  Israel
Size: 45.51mm    Collected: Unknown
Collected in sand and rubble at 3-5m by diver.