Shells of South
East Queensland

Tweed Heads to Noosa

Conus arenatus

Hwass in Bruguíere, 1792
Medium-sized to large, moderately solid to moderately heavy. Siphonal fasciole distinct, occasionally separated from basal zone by an incision. Shoulder subangulate to rounded, weakly to strongly tuberculate. Spire of low to moderate height, outline straight to moderately convex. Teleoconch sutural ramps concave, with 1 increasing to 4-6 spiral grooves. Last whorl with weak spiral ribs at base; in subadults and small adults, ribs may be granulose and extend to shoulder. Ground colour white. Last whorl with spiral rows of brown or black dots, clustered in 2-3 interrupted spiral bands or in axial zigzag flames; dotted areas often with underlying grey shadows, most conspicuous within spiral bands. Opaque white dashes often irregularly alternating with dark dots. Larval whorls white. Teleoconch sutural ramps variably maculated with axial clusters of brown and black dots. Aperture white, brown or pinkish orange deeper within.

Cone Collector's Guide:


Mudjimba Island,  Australia
Size: 50.99mm    Collected: 2000
Collected from rocky reef at 15m by diver.

Scawfell Island,  Australia
Size: 37.36mm    Collected: Unknown
Dead collected on intertidal reef.

Sykes Reef,  Australia
Size: 36.57mm    Collected: 2012
In sand and rubble under coral rock on weather edge of reef at low tide.

Sykes Reef,  Australia
Size: 47.36mm    Collected: 2019
In sand and rubble under coral rock on weather edge of reef at low tide.

Port Moresby,  Papua New Guinea
Size: 46.53mm    Collected: 1984
found at 8:15am after following feed trails in the sand found near beds of sae grass in about 2m of water about 2m from shore

Rabaul- Old,  Papua New Guinea
Size: mm    Collected: 1960
Collected by scuba diver.

Balut Island,  Philippines
Size: 30mm    Collected: 2015
collected August 2015

forma: granulosa  Lamarck, 1822

Masbate,  Philippines
Size: 29.55mm    Collected: Unknown
No data.

forma: aequipunctatus  Dautzenberg, 1937

Dahab,  Egypt
Size: 36.85mm    Collected: Unknown
In sand in shallow water.